Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Peanut Butter Love

Am not a great fan of their pandesal as I prefer the classic sweet kind but I love Pan De Manila's peanut butter. Most especially the crunchy one as they don't skimp on the peanuts!

Totally unrelated to peanut butter but also a Pan De Manila product - if you're in their store try their chocolate con nueces drink as well as their spanish chocolate and mocho drinks. For instant drinks, they're really good and not too far from the original versions.

Jo-Ann Lea <3

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Minions Craze

Given that my friends and I dressed up as minions during our office Christmas's definitely a given that I would jump unto the McDonald's Happy Meal Minions craze proof here we are in costume...and one pf the first minions I got 😊

Did you get to collect yours?

Jo-Ann Lea <3

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I love this. Reminds me of my childhood and yes when I was a kid - this was how I ate it. Now, I still eat it the same way.

Jo-Ann Lea <3

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Coffee Love

I love coffee. This was the influence of my  parents who would let me dunk those wonderful pieces of bread - the pandesal and monay - into instant coffee for breakfast. This was then refined by my sister who exposed me to the different coffee beans from other countries such as Vietnamese, Cambodian, Turkish coffee then by my "travels" (limited ones haha) to other cities and provinces. Now I know (at least I'd like to think so) that my taste for coffee has been refined and that I can now tell what's good and what's bad. Naks!

Seriously though, I can still remember the times I would drink ashtray-like coffee and think it was good (ulk)! Now I know my favorites - and top on the list are proudly homegrown: the Benguet and Kalinga coffees from up north. I love it for its thick, robust taste. Arabica is ok though it seems a little bland to me. Batangas coffee meanwhile is good for its sharp kick  Try it!

And here's a photo of how much coffee my sister and I consume in a week (excluding what I consume in the office!). Eeep ok maybe I drink too much coffee!

Jo-Ann Lea <3

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sidetrip to the Metropolitan Museum of Manila

This was literally a sidetrip - because I just came from a meeting at the financial institution that manages it - which is located at the side. Haha.

While a portion of it still under construction, I was and am still impressed by this museum. The collection has grown from when I was last here (way back when I was in high school...a loooonggg time ago I admit!) and the galleries so beauifully renovated. 

These are of the ground floor galleries:

The basement. This houses the gold and pottery museum.

Just have to share this photo of a pure gold chalice.

The second floor meanwhile houses contemporary art.

Love this statue. Isn't she beautiful?!

And that's enough check it out. Entrance is only PHP 100.00. You can even check out a play at the CCP after!

Jo-Ann Lea <3

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Yep. Coined that term myself (at least I think so!) only because Cebu reminds of of food. Delicious food! And my sister was kind enough to remind me of this when she brought home the following from a visit over the weekend.

Lechon - my personal favorite is CNT lechon because of its light and savory flavor - no need for gravy even! My sister got Rico's though which I've yet to try and which she says is really good. Will keep you updated if it's as good or better. Am personally not a fan of Zebuchon (did I spell that correctly?) because of the mix of spices they put in the lechon and which for me ruins the flavor.  

Here are a few pics...

Photo by my sister...

Of course, Cebu is not complete without its pastries. Conching's of course!

How about you? What's your favorite Cebu dish?

Jo-Ann Lea <3

The Dilemma of Social Media.

Now that we've set this up - we am now confused. How do we choose what we post and where? Do we post our photos here as well or do we only post them on Instagram? Should we limit our posts on Facebook or should we post on both? So shallow now that we think about it. Yet - relevant to us (so forgive us this shallowness hehe).

We suppose we should be happy to have these kinds of problems - the kind they call #firstworldproblems. It's a very rare thing for mothers to have we think.

Again, shallow. We do hope this post offends none of those who have no time to think of shallow meanderings like ours.

Lea & Lea

The Meaning Behind The Name

Of course we had to google because we only belatedly realized that it's the first thing the site will ask you once you sign up for a blog...and all our initial ideas were taken! We hope you all like it. So far, we do as it it our names haha. Let's see if we will a few months down the road :)